Open letters to French public prosecutors

Judgement in the Civil Litigation Against McDonald’s and a Franchisee

Judgement in the Civil Litigation Against McDonald’s and a Franchisee
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4 min read
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The adversarial procedure is the only rule to guarantee, and article 40 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

French Law Professor Yves Strickler tells me that the adversarial procedure is fundamentally the only rule to guarantee. He also answers one of my questions and quote article 40 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure.
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2 min read
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List of individuals targeted by Article 432-1 of the French Criminal Code (to obstruct the execution of the law)

In his explanation, Law Professor Yves Strickler presented me with a pertinent reference from a legal expert text, emphasizing key aspects of individuals targeted by Article 432-1 (to obstruct the execution of the law) of the French Criminal Code.
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2 min read
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Email from Law Professor Yves Strickler - procedural contracts invented by the bar associations, jurisdictions, and legal aid offices

Email from Professor Yves Strickler, Associate Professor of Law Faculties, confirming to me that procedural contracts are invented by the bar associations, the jurisdictions, and the legal aid offices, and that this is something truly preposterous! That the law is the law, and French institutions are obligated to respect it. In essence, this situation amounts to the judicial branch circumventing the legislative branch to create its own laws, a practice that is profoundly dangerous. It undermines the principle of the separation of powers, a cornerstone of democratic governance.
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2 min read
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Email from Professor Yves Strickler, Associate Professor of Law Faculties - request for provisional admission to legal aid and summary proceedings

Email from Professor Yves Strickler, Associate Professor of Law Faculties, confirming to me that my request for provisional admission to legal aid seems admissible and expressing surprise that I have not initiated summary proceedings
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1 min read
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FORMAL NOTICE to McDonald’s executives, including future CEO Chris Kempczinski, about the illegality of the McDonald’s Monopoly sweepstakes in the United States

Email sent to McDonald’s executives including Chris Kempczinski regarding the illegality of the McDonald’s Monopoly sweepstakes in the United States.
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9 min read
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Notification to McDonald’s executives Gloria Santona, Steve Easterbrook, and Malcolm Hicks

Notification to McDonald’s executives Gloria Santona, Steve Easterbrook, and Malcolm Hicks, that I intend to lodge a criminal complaint for defamation
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1 min read
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Debbie Schroeder, Investors Relations, McDonald’s Corporation, is still looking for the information I asked.

Debbie Schroeder, Investors Relations, McDonald’s Corporation, is still looking for the information I asked.
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1 min read
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Launch of Unveiling Hypocrisy: The Truth Behind Steve Easterbrook’s Leadership

On December 23, 2015, I launched, a dedicated platform scrutinizing the discrepancies between Steve Easterbrook’s public statements and his actual practices as CEO of McDonald’s Corporation. This site aims to expose the hypocrisy of claiming to be a change agent while perpetuating significant frauds within the company.
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1 min read
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Transcript of the phone conversation with the FBI’s Field Office of Chicago

Transcript of the phone conversation with the FBI’s Field Office of Chicago.
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15 min read
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F.B.I. Chicago answers the victim asking him to please contact the FBI's Public Access Line

On December 18, 2015, the Intake Unit of the Field Office of the F.B.I. in Chicago answers the victim asking him to contact the FBI's Public Access Line.
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1 min read
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Persistent Accusations and Unresolved Responses: My Direct Challenge to Steve Easterbrook

On December 18, 2015, I sent a follow-up email to Steve Easterbrook, escalating concerns about alleged criminal activities within McDonald’s. Explore the confrontation and demands for accountability.
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2 min read
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Phone call to the FBI Field Office of Washington D.C.

I called the FBI Field Office of Washington D.C. in an attempt to report the crimes McDonald’s Corporation and their accomplices have committed
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1 min read
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Email sent to the F.B.I. Washington Field Office on December 16, 2015. McDonald’s Corporation.

Email sent to the F.B.I., on 2015-12-16 at 15:00 China Standard Time.
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6 min read
Featured Image, Accusation Against Douglas Goare: A Call for Immediate Response

In December 2015, I accused Douglas Goare, then President of McDonald’s Europe, of white-collar crimes, marking a critical moment in corporate accountability. Discover the details of the accusation and the implications for Douglas Goare and McDonald’s.
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2 min read
Featured Image, Accusation Against Malcolm Hicks: A Call for Immediate Response

In December 2015, I accused Malcolm Hicks, then General Counsel for the McDonald’s business segment that includes France among other countries, of white-collar crimes, marking a critical moment in corporate accountability. Discover the details of the accusation and the implications for Malcolm Hicks and McDonald’s.
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1 min read
Featured Image, Accusation Against Gloria Santona: A Call for Immediate Response

In December 2015, I accused Gloria Santona, then General Counsel of McDonald’s Corporation, of white-collar crimes, marking a critical moment in corporate accountability. Discover the details of the accusation and the implications for Gloria Santona and McDonald’s.
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1 min read
Featured Image, Urgent Accusation Against Steve Easterbrook: A Call for Immediate Response

In December 2015, I accused Steve Easterbrook, then CEO of McDonald’s Corporation, of white-collar crimes, marking a critical moment in corporate accountability. Discover the details of the accusation and the implications for Easterbrook and McDonald’s.
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2 min read
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PLEASE STOP THE FRAUD! I keep asking McDonald’s executives to immediately stop the ongoing fraud which is occuring in France. CEO Steve Easterbrook, General Counsel Gloria Santona, and European General Counsel Malcolm Hicks are notified.
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3 min read
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Eric Andrieu, lawyer, Péchenard & Associés

I receive an email from Eric Andrieu working for the Péchenard lawfirm. He is not diligent enough. I would later learn that he his the best friend, since childhood supposedly, of the former General Director of the French National Police, Frédéric Péchenard. Corruption or legal malpractice? Or both?
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3 min read
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